April 03, 2020 2 min read
Oh the minefield that is choosing name for our new puppy! Even before we had picked our new family member, we began thinking of names and it soon became clear that coming up with one that all of us felt comfortable with was NOT going to be easy.
Still, we were confident we could come up with something more inventive than Simon Cowell’s Squiddly and Diddly and numerous discussions ensued. And talking of Simon Cowell, celebrity choices seemed to be a good place to start. Kelly Osborne’s dog is called Noodles – we decided that that would make us hungry. Britney Spear’s dog is called Lucky – given her run of bad luck in years gone by, that didn’t work out too well for her!
Noah fancied ‘Mookie’ for a boy or a girl (right fielder for the Boston Red Sox – long story but we lived in the US for a few years). We all tried it out a few times and realised we would feel a bit stupid shouting that out loud, so we put the kibosh on that. What’s more, we already have Coco (named after Coco Crisp of Oakland A’s fame!). Dylan wasn’t bothered, but wanted a girl so he could liberally sprinkle his conversation with the word ‘bitch’ and then smile sweetly and ask “What’s the problem?!”. Teenagers! We went round and round in circles and then realised we’d better wait until we knew if we were getting a girl or boy.
Girl it is! We then looked at the most popular dog names for last year:
Some nice ones there, but actually do we really want to choose a name that everyone else has thought of? That said, it could be worse. This next list of names is one we compiled ourselves – I kid you not, there are actually people shouting these names out loud in public parks around the country:
I mean, you’d steer clear wouldn’t you?! Still, it could be worse, we could be trying to name a baby and coming up with ideas like Apple, Prince Michael II, Sage Moonblood or Fifi Trixibelle (not a bad name for a dog as it happens!), but believe it or not, there are already four youngsters out there who have already been ‘blessed’ with these names.
But as we fell about laughing at some of the ridiculous names celebrities have come up with for their unsuspecting offspring, one lingered in our minds… Blue Ivy. Well, not the ‘Blue’ bit, just the ‘Ivy’ bit. Short, sweet, fun and when we said it and looked at her picture, it felt… right! I am pretty sure that’s how it goes. All of a sudden you stumble across a name and it just feels right. Though I continue to struggle with Squiddly and Diddly, neither of which names have the X Factor!
Ivy it is!
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